Experience and Background

I am a fully licensed clinical
psychologist with a private practice in Birmingham, Michigan.
My State of Michigan Permanent ID Number
is 6301010919.
Clinical Experience
For over 15 years I have been working with children, adolescents, and adults who
are interested in improving their emotional and mental health. I have had
the opportunity to work with people who want help with mental health issues such
as anxiety and depression. People also come to therapy for help with
relationship issues, family conflict and career advice. As a psychologist, I
provide individual, couples, and family psychotherapy. I also conduct psychological, educational,
and intellectual assessments for children and adults.
Psychologist, Private Practice, Birmingham, Michigan
Psychologist, Birmingham Maple Clinic, Birmingham, Michigan
Therapist, Supervisor, Instructor of Psychological Assessment, Wayne State
University, Detroit, Michigan
Predoctoral Psychology Intern, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit &
West Bloomfield, Michigan
Psychology Intern, The Children's Center of Wayne County
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
M.A., Clinical Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
B,A., Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Professional Memberships
Member, American Psychological Association
Member, Michigan Psychological Association
Community Service
Speaker, Beaumont Parenting Program, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak,
The Beaumont Parenting Program is an educational support program for new
I speak to new mothers and fathers on topics such as, "Infant
Development," "Adjustments to Parenthood," and "Your Past and Your Parenting."
Being both a mother and a psychologist gives me a great understanding of these
Board of Directors, Child Abuse and Neglect Council of Oakland County
The Child Abuse and Neglect Council of Oakland County is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and the treatment of
those who have been abused. The Council is guided by the principle that "It
shouldn't hurt to be a child."